Privacy Policy


Privacy Policy

Data manager name and contact details:

Data manager’s name: MONO-Ipolyfabric Kft.

Data manager’s mailing adress: 2633 Ipolytölgyes, Homokpuszta

Data manager’s e-mail adress: img@img

Data manager’s phone number: +36 27 376 097


The legal background, legal basis, purpose of the data management of the website, the scope of the personal data processed and the duration of the data management
How to use cookies

What does it mean cookie?

The Data Handler uses cookies when visiting the site. The cookie is a font and number information package that our site sends to your browser with the purpose of saving certain settings, facilitating the use of our site and contributing to collecting some relevant, statistical information about our visitors. Cookies do not contain personal information and are not suitable for individual user authentication. Cookies often contain a unique identifier - a secret, randomly generated number line - that your device stores. Some cookies will be discontinued after the site is closed and some will be stored for a longer period of time on your computer.

The legal background and legal basis of cookies:

The background of data management is based on the 2011 Act CXII on Information Freedom of Information and Freedom of Information. (Infotv.) and electronic commerce services and information services related to information society services (CVIII. are provisions of the law. The legal basis for data processing is Infotv. In accordance with § 5 (1) (a).

The main features of cookies used by the website:

Cookies strictly required for operation: These cookies are essential to use the website and allow you to use the basic features of the website. In the absence of these, many features of the site will not be available for you. Cookies of this type are limited to the duration of the session.

Cookies for improving user experience: These cookies collect information about the user's website usage, such as the most frequently visited pages or the error message from the web site. These cookies do not collect information that identifies the visitor, that is, they are working with generic, anonymous information. The data obtained from these are used to improve website performance. Cookies of this type are limited to the duration of the session.

Google Analytics cookie: Google Analytics is a Google Analytics tool that helps website and app owners to get a better picture of their visitors' activities. The service may use cookies to collect information and report on the statistics about the use of the site without individually identifying visitors to Google. The main cookie used by Google Analytics is the "__ga" cookie. In addition to reports from site usage statistics, Google Analytics - including some of the advertising cookies described above -can also be used to show more relevant ads in Google products (like Google Search) and across the web.

Cookie acceptance: When you arrive at the page, you accept the cookie storage statement in the warning window. It lasts 365 days.

If you do not accept cookies, some features will not be available to you. For more information about deleting cookies, see the links below:

Additional Data Managemnet

If the Data Controller wishes to perform further data processing, he / she shall provide prior information on the relevant circumstances of the data handling (legal background and legal basis of data management, purpose of data management, scope of data processed, duration of data handling).

We will inform you that the Data Controller's statutory written requests for data must be met by the Data Manager. The Data Handler is responsible for transmitting data to Infotv. (2) - (3) of the Companies Act, which registers (which authority, which personal data, on what legal basis, when the data controller has been transmitted), whose contents the Data Controller provides upon request, unless his / her information is excluded by law.

Data Security Measures

The Data Controller declares that he or she has taken appropriate security measures to protect personal information against unauthorized access, alteration, transmission, disclosure, deletion or destruction, as well as unavailability due to accidental destruction and damage, as well as any alteration in the technique used.

Rights that you are entitled in data management

Within the duration of the data handling you are entitled to:

  • the right to information,
  • the right to correct the data,
  • the right to delete data,
  • the right to block data,
  • the right to protest.

You may request information from the Data Controller regarding the handling of your personal data within the period of data handling. In the shortest possible time, but not later than 25 days after the submission of the application, the Data Controller informs you on the data processed, the purpose, the legal basis and the duration of the data processing, and in the case of data and for what purpose received or received the data.

You may request the Data Manager to correct your personal data within the time of your data processing. Your request will be processed by the Data Controller within 15 days.

You have the opportunity to request the deletion of your personal data, which the Data Manager will complete within 15 days. The right of deletion does not apply if the Data Handler is required by law to store the data further, or in the case of Infotv. In accordance with Section 6 para. (5), the Data Controller is entitled to continue handling personal data (such as billing).

You may request that the Data Controller locks out personal data if a permanent deletion of data would harm the legitimate interests of the data subject. Personal data so locked up can only be handled as long as the purpose of excluding personal data is excluded.

You may object to your personal data being handled,

  • hif the processing or transmission of personal data is only necessary to fulfill the legal obligation of the Data Controller or to enforce the legitimate interests of the Data Controller, Data Provider or third party, except in case of mandatory data handling and Infotv. Article 6 (5);
  • if the use or transmission of personal data is done for direct business acquisition, polling or scientific research without your consent

The Data Controller will examine the protest within the shortest time, but within 15 days of the submission of the application, make a decision on its validity and will inform you in writing of its decision. If the data controller fails to complete his or her claim for rectification, blocking or cancellation, he or she communicates, in writing or with the consent of the person concerned, within 25 days of receipt of the request the factual and legal grounds for rejecting the request for rectification, blocking or cancellation.


If you believe that the Data Controller has violated any statutory provision on data management or has failed to comply with any of your requests, you may initiate an investigation procedure for the National Data Protection and Information Authority (address 1530 Budapest, Pf .: 5, e- mail: img@img).

We also inform you that, in the event of a violation of the law on data management or if the Data Handler has failed to comply with any of your requests, you may contact the Data Handler.

Modify the Data Handling Policy

The Data Controller reserves the right to modify this Privacy Policy. After you apply this website, you agree to the modified Privacy Policy.